Accessibility | HSU Clinical & Rehabilitation Services
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Website Accessibility

Committed to Web Accessibility Guidelines

Health Sciences University is committed to developing our websites that are fully inclusive, actively ensuring that all pages comply with web accessibility guidelines.  Should you be unable to access any part of our website, please contact us on the form below and we will endeavour to provide an accessible alternative in line with your needs.

It is our aim to provide a consistently high level of usability by making improvements and providing links to tools to enable particular disabled user groups to have a better experience on our website.

Recent and Planned Developments

In March 2024 working with our digital agency ZUDU, we launched an entirely new website for Clinical & Rehabilitation Services at HSU. Our website’s functionality and user interface design (including fonts and images) are always under review and subject to development (where requirements are identified) to improve accessibility and to optimise the user experience.

We have also introduced new user interface designs to allow our content to be easier to read. Our images contain ‘Alt text’ and descriptions are present on documents, and accessibility information is embedded within the meta data of our Adobe PDFs.  We have made sure to include link descriptions and follow best practices in terms of how text links are displayed for ease of understanding. We are also working with keyboard navigation, using access keys for users without use of a mouse.

Whilst we implement the above accessibility improvements, we would encourage visitors to visit the BBC help website (My web my way), which advises users on how to customise their computer set up and remove barriers to using the web. We have also listed ways you can quickly improve your digital experience below.

If you have feedback regarding the online accessibility of our website, please use the form below.

Accessibility Support

Header Tags
HTML heading tags are used to convey document structure. H1 tags are used for main titles, H2 tags for subtitles, and so on.

We have tried to ensure that all images have descriptive alternate text, or where images are used for decoration, they have empty alt tags.

We make sure that navigation through the site works in a consistent way and conduct usability reviews to make sure that content can be found easily by users.

Font size
You may change the font size of this document to your preference through your browser on a permanent basis or temporarily.

  • Internet Explorer: Click on the View menu and select Text Size.
  • Firefox: Click on the View menu and select Zoom, then Zoom in or out.
  • Chrome: Zoom the page using Ctrl + and Ctlr –
  • Windows: Zoom the page using Ctrl + and Ctlr –
  • Mac: Zoom the page using Command + and Command –
  • Further details on how to change your font can be found on the BBC website: My web my way – How to change your fonts

If you wish to override the website’s colours, you can import your own style sheet within your browser preferences.

Style sheets
This site uses cascading style sheets (CSS) for visual layout. The use of style sheets ensures that the content of each page is readable and clearly structured. If your browser or browsing device does not support stylesheets you will still see all the content although the layout will look different.

JavaScript is used on the website to improve usability, however it is possible to browse the website without JavaScript.

Using Adobe Acrobat
You’ll need Adobe Acrobat to view and print some of our documents which are in PDF format. Adobe’s website can help if you’d like to read PDF documents with a screen reader.

Linking text has generally been written to make sense out of context, for example ‘Course Reading List PDF’, instead of ‘Click Here’.

A search facility is available throughout the site to help you find items of interest.

Report an accessibility problem
Reporting your experience will help us further enhance the accessibility on our website. We encourage you to let us know of any issues you may encounter so we can look to put things right. If you need any help in reporting your difficulty with the website, please read the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) guide ‘Contacting Organisations about Inaccessible Websites’.

Contacting organisations about inaccessible websites.

If you are not happy with your response received from Health Sciences University or the solution found, you may make contact under grounds of failure to improve or comply the following acts via: Equality and Human Rights Commission (Equality act 2010) or the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland (Disability Discrimination Act 1995).


Accessibility Feedback Form

Let us know about any accessibility problems you encounter on the form below. We’ll do our best to improve things and get you the information you need as soon as possible. Note: this form is not for reporting technical issues you experience while trying to access an online service (for example, Moodle / the website not working). Please report these issues through the internal IT Helpline contact.

Please complete the below form.

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