Jude's Integrated Rehabilitation Journey: Balance Classes, Physiotherapy, AlterG Sessions, and Podiatry | HSU Clinical & Rehabilitation Services

Jude’s Integrated Rehabilitation Journey: Balance Classes, Physiotherapy, AlterG Sessions, and Podiatry

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Lady on a sunny day at the beach with her dog

In Jude’s words, the range of services at the Integrated Rehabilitation Centre (IRC) at AECC University College “has made a massive difference to my life.”   After a nasty fall at home, Jude wanted to get her mobility, stability and confidence back.  Read on to find out how the multidisciplinary patient-centred care at AECC UC helped Jude on her road to recovery.

“I had tripped over the patio door at home, landing on the raised metal sill.  I hit it very hard.

“When I first visited the IRC, I was on crutches, had a fractured hip and I wanted to get back onto my feet as I fell quite badly.  Due to the fall, I was terrified and my anxiety was through the roof.

“I decided to come to the IRC as the NHS facilities weren’t available to me at the time. It was really important for me to get my mobility, stability and confidence back as I hadn’t been able to exercise properly for a while.

Jude’s experience at the Integrated Rehabilitation Centre


“I first saw Katie Bright, (Clinical Lead for Community, Long-term Conditions, and Neurological Physiotherapy) who was very thorough.  We spent a long time going through everything.  She found that one of my legs is shorter than the other.  I had several physio sessions with Katie.”

Katie tells us; “Jude originally came to see me for physiotherapy.  We had identified the discrepancy in the length of her legs and the impact that was having on her balance.  So I signposted Jude to our podiatry clinic. I also spoke to her about the IRC balance class and how that could be a good option for her going forward.”

Podiatry Clinic

“The podiatrist gave me a foot raise in my shoe to balance out my shorter leg.” Jude tells us, “I feel much more confident, even if still a bit wobbly.  Although I can catch myself now and I am a lot more secure.  I’m not terrified any more.

Balance Classes

“Katie also recommended the balance class in the IRC, which I was very pleased with.  The classes included 9 different exercises with other people (there were 6 of us in my class).  We did a circuit of the room with the different exercises.  Some were more challenging than others.  The team were on hand to show you how to do it all properly.  I found the balance classes very helpful.  The state-of-the-art equipment is perfect, too!

Alter G

“Katie also recommended that I book AlterG sessions once a week to help me get my confidence back.  The AlterG is an anti-gravity machine which simulates walking with balance and speed, minimising strain on my joints and muscles.

The Results

“I feel brighter and bushy-tailed!  I now walk my dog every day.  Initially I wanted to be able to walk 3 miles a day again: I can now do this with the help from the team at AECC UC.  The other goal was to speed up my walking – this may take a few more months, although I am definitely on my way to achieving this.

Katie Bright tells us; “I’m really pleased for Jude in how quickly she has noticed an improvement and how much she has benefitted from all the different services here.  Just after a few weeks, I could see how much she had benefited from the regular sessions and the variety of services here to help Jude work on her rehabilitation.  We reviewed her goals together and she has achieved most of these already!  For example, when I first met Jude, she was aided by a crutch – she has now progressed to a stick and she doesn’t always need this at home, which is a big improvement.

Confidence for the future

Jude tells us; “Since coming to AECC, I have noticed a massive improvement in my balance and core strength.  Getting my confidence back was the most important factor for me.  I am not anxious any more.

Why Jude Recommends the Services at the IRC

“All of the treatments were tailored exactly to what I needed.  Each member of the team treating me had access to my notes on the system, so they were all working together.  It gives you confidence that they are all singing from the same hymn sheet!

It’s also so convenient that all these services are under one roof.  I feel very secure and safe at the IRC – there is always someone to give you a hand.  The staff are really helpful.

I would recommend for anyone to try the services at the IRC – just do it!  You have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain.  I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend the services here – the team are wonderful and I am very pleased that I made the decision to come here.”

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