Health MOT | HSU Clinical & Rehabilitation Services
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Health MOT

Get a 360 overview of your health with our standard 11-point health MOT. Receive a comprehensive report of your health and identify important health factors such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol, obesity and more.

physiotherapist showing his patient MOT results
icon showing patient chart

What is a Health MOT?

A health MOT is a comprehensive health assessment designed to provide you with a detailed overview of your well-being. It goes beyond a standard check-up, offering a thorough evaluation of key health indicators to help you understand your current health status and identify areas for improvement.

young patient using exercise equipment

Benefits of a Health MOT

This test provides us with a comprehensive breakdown of your health that can be used to improve physical performance, reduce risk of injury, and help to design targeted interventions to lower risk of chronic diseases

As well as all the benefits of our basic assessment the additional checks in our Health MOT will give us a measure of your risk for cardiovascular disease, stroke and other health issues, such as whether your body is showing signs you are developing diabetes, pre-diabetes or cardiovascular disease.

Our Health MOT is commonly used by individuals looking to develop a more comprehensive understanding of their current health situation and identify areas of risk in order to make informed decisions about their health care.

young male physiotherapist working with young male patient

What to Expect From the Health MOT at HSU

Upon arrival at our state-of-the-art Integrated Rehabilitation Centre, our experienced performance specialist will guide you through the assessment process. Here’s what you can expect:

Initial Measurements

We’ll start by measuring your blood pressure, height, and weight to establish a baseline for your health.

Blood Assessments

Using a painless finger-prick testing technique, we’ll analyze key biomarkers such as blood lipids and glucose levels using the CardioChek®, a standard tool used in GP clinics across the country and in the NHS.

Body Composition Analysis

You’ll undergo a body composition analysis using our state-of-the-art SOZO® analyser, one of less than five in the country. This non-invasive assessment measures body fat percentage, muscle mass, hydration levels, and cell health. The SOZO® test itself is really simple and takes just a few minutes, it’s non-invasive and only requires you to take off your shoes and socks to stand on the platform.

Additional Tests

The Health MOT also includes a blood test, and lipid profile which is used to tell us things like your blood sugar levels, cholesterol, and indicates your risk of diabetes and other diseases. You will then undergo measurements of your hips and waist and grip strength before being asked some questions related to your lifestyle.

Detailed Report

Your results will be available during the session, and our practitioner will explain the findings. You’ll also receive an electronic report by email after the appointment.

Prices & How to Book

Health MOT

  • Duration: up to 1hr
  • Price: £75

Please complete our simple enquiry form below to book.

Hear From Our Patients and Service Users

Exterior of the Integrated Rehabilitation Centre

Get In Touch

Take the first step towards better health and book your Health MOT appointment today.


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